Monday, February 25, 2008

The brouhaha over boards

Come march..And all tht can be seen in the newspapers is board talk...Boards boards boards...Cbse reforms..Study tips..Itz all about boards.And wasnt everyone supposed to be reducing the tension on us students?Well done folks..I am giving my boardz this year and NO, reading about board exams everytime i look at the newspaper is not particularly relaxing..And specially when the information being given is nothing new.All of us knew about the changed pattern in the beginning of the year...The revised question papers..And all the papers have done is to scare our parents even further about the upcoming boards(The parents are more worried about the result..Believe me.)Every year the boards are treated like these demons of examinations..Which are only there to terrorise you..If u let yourself be terrorised tht is..And for people like me..It is terrifying.And then the study timetables that would actually have our parents believe that studying for 10 hours a day is a must for securing a good percentage.

All i want the newspapers to do is to give actual information..If there is anything left to give..Otherwise..Shut up!Trust me ..that would go a long way in not panicking students like me..Specially those whose parents get more panicked than them themselves.Boards are just another exam..And itz about time we started treating them that way.

Friday, February 22, 2008

First day...

So this is my first day of blogging...the totally "in" thing to do at the moment.Why am i doing this?I have absolutely no clue.But i do feel that writing about the everyday happenings can actually help me develop my thoughts better..And plus its better than discussing everyday issues with your parents(Though you do get a totally conservative stance on every issue).But yea...Will my blog actually make a difference?No.Not really..But i guess it will just be a platform for me to express my viewpoint...Which sometimes never really comes out..I highly suspect if i would be able to blog everyday..(Even though i come online for atleast an hour everyday)But yea...I think it will be a good habit.And plus..Improve my writing skills...Something which really needs to be worked on.

So that is about it for the moment..Nothing special or debatable..But yes..its a start.