Sunday, July 26, 2009


Sometimes, you don't know of a way to tell the people you love the most how much you actually love them. Sometimes, you just dont know if the decisions you're taking are right or wrong. Sometimes, you turn so selfish, that nobody else's hurt matters but yours. Sometimes, you find yourself incapable of giving back the love you recieve equally. Sometimes, you want to keep a little bit of it back for yourself, and save it for a rainy day. Sometimes, the truth hurts more than the lies. Sometimes, regret is so deep rooted in your heart that there isnt place for anything else. Sometimes, all the sorrys in the world arent enough. Sometimes, you want to know when you became that cold. Sometimes, you want to turn back the clock and change situations. And sometimes, just, sometimes, things get better, and the both of you emerge together, stronger this time.

I just wish that sometime comes soon.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Being a child and never growing up.

Just a few days ago, sitting in a class in vocab fiesta, we had a small discussion about the difference between being childish, and childlike. "What's the difference?", I wondered. Negative and positive connotations, I was told. Apparently, being childish is negative, while being childlike is a good thing. And this got me thinking, which of them am I, childlike, or childish?

I've been called a kid a lot, by nearly all people who know me well. And why not, after all I wave and get excited on seeing aeroplanes fly real low, get completely dripping wet in the rains intentionally, sing obscure bollywood songs just to annoy the hell out of others( Dil dance maare, anyone? xD), talk loudly and laugh even louder, and basically skip and dance around everywhere. And it is this, that keeps me sane at times, and happy almost all the time. People close to me know it, understand it, and tolerate it, if not actually like it at times.

I would want to call these sudden fits being childlike, others may call it my childishness, my refusal to grow up. But whatever it is, it has become a part and parcel of who I am, and me and my childishness come in a package deal, baby. :P

P.S. This blog was inspired by a person who likes calling me a kid at all times. xD

P.P.S. Also, I've begun to blog again, thanks to the same person. :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Funny, how life always comes back in a circle. I'm back again to the same place, wondering why you're angry at me, and what I've done wrong NOW. Listening to the same song that had almost become my anthem. And thinking why I let myself come back to this, why I let myself get drawn into it all. Why I let myself fall in love with you. Atleast, like you a lot. Why I'm stupid enough to let all this affect me, once again.

We all come back to where we started, I guess.