Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So, I am sitting in Mumbai, bored out of my wits (as my facebook status also says thankyouverymuch) and as I have absolutely NOTHING productive to do, I think I'll give another update to my blog.

Now, the last time I wrote, WHOA, was that a conflicted post or what. But, apparantly, "some" people found it touching (how on earth, I have NO clue). So, that has inspired me to write it again, this time, knowing that he wont check it out anymore.

This blog is what I always wanted it to be, a random place where I come, rant, and forget about it until I come back again. It isnt really a blog I want other people to see, more like a place which would show me in the future how I was in the past. Doesnt make sense? Ohwell, when have I ever made sense.

So, lets talk about what is currently happening in my life. So, I fought with my best friend, that too, over a guy (something I NEVER thought could happen). But, somehow, I dont feel guilty this time. Call me a selfish bitch, or just deranged, I REALLY didnt think I did anything wrong. Nope, not me this time. But then again, as I tell myself over and over again, it is just another year. After that, a new me. I can finally let go of all that I am here, the "image" I created of myself in the 11 years that I spent in the school. Also, I am quite enjoying not having to defer to my boyfriend. Hell, I like that. Makes for a nice change, having someone say "as you say" to whatever wish you might have, instead of it being the other way around. Ofcourse, like my inner self tells me, I wouldnt mind having to defer to my boyfriend had it been T, but as the main motive of THIS relationship is convenience, its quite okay.

Hell, I am changing, and it doesnt seem like its for the better.

Anyway, rambled enough.

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